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Our Tax Services

Income Taxes
Our tax pros at Mi Casita Tax Preparation in, Bakersfield CA can handle all your tax needs. Whatever your situation, we know what to do. Schedule an appointment today. let us help today so can get the most tomorrow!

Getting your documents notarized is the most vital step in many of your important life events, whether that be establishing power of attorney, handling documents with the county, or obtaining a mortgage for the purchase of your new home.

Bill Pay
Payments can be made in person between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at any of our two locations
Business Tax
As a business owner, you will be responsible for paying a variety of local, state, and federal taxes. These can include income tax, much like employees pay on their income, plus additional payroll taxes,

Envios de dinero (Money Transfer)
Send money to any country. We can help you sendmoney anywhere in the world. Stop by and let one of our specialist help you with moeny transfers or money wiring. Dont worry about time because most transfers are ready in just minutes.

Open up unemployment
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Who we WorkED WITH
We've worked With Thousands of Satisfied Clients
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